Canadians are proud to have one of the best health care systems in the world — a universal, public system that proved to be invaluable during our fight against COVID-19.
A re-elected Liberal government will continue to work with provinces and territories to build a stronger health care system for everyone. We will:
Invest $10B to eliminate waitlists — that’s $6B in new funding on top of $4B already committed in budget 2021;
Invest $3B to hire 7,500 family doctors, nurses, and nurse practitioners over four years; and
Expand virtual health care services to give you flexibility.
And, to recruit more health professionals in rural and remote regions, we will:
Increase student loan forgiveness for an expanded list of health professionals (to include dentists, pharmacists, social workers, mental health practitioners and more) who choose to work in rural communities, and
Create a tax incentive to make it easier to set up a health practice in these communities.
This means $14B in new investments, on top of the $9B over 5 years that a re-elected government will commit to deliver better care for Canada’s seniors.
Click HERE to download the backgrounder.