Canadians want to finish the fight against COVID. They want to send their kids back to school knowing they’ll be safe. They want to visit loved ones and take vacations, and our small businesses and our communities want to get back to normal and not have to worry about the next lockdown.
In the last year and a half, we’ve been through a lot.
But we’ve been through it together.
When the pandemic began, our Liberal team moved quickly to procure vaccines to keep Canadians safe and healthy.
Thanks to the hard work of Canadians, we’re among the top countries in the world for COVID-19 vaccinations — but we can’t stop there.
To finish the fight against COVID-19, we will:
Introduce a COVID-19 Proof of Vaccination Fund that will be available to support provinces and territories who implement a requirement for proof-of-vaccine credentials in their jurisdiction for non-essential businesses and public spaces;
Procure enough vaccines so all Canadians can access a free booster shot if they need one; and
Invest in research to study the long-term health impacts of COVID-19.
Vaccines are the best way for Canadians to beat this virus and keep everyone, including our kids and seniors, safe and healthy.
That’s why it’s so important that all eligible Canadians get vaccinated, and keep moving forward to finish the fight against COVID-19.