Climate Strikes took place across many cities in Canada yesterday. We know there is no issue more important to our future than fighting climate change.
That’s why this week, Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada, Justin Trudeau, announced that a re-elected Liberal government will continue to take action to protect the environment and grow the economy.
With less than a month to go now until election day, here’s a recap of how the campaign has progressed in the last week.
Jonathan’s campaign news:
This week, Jonathan:
Joined volunteers and the Seymour Salmonid Society at the Estuary of the Seymour River on BC Rivers Day. Volunteers planted new native trees and removed invasive ones. In true BC spirit, the rain didn’t miss out on the fun either!
Stood side-by-side with the youth at the Climate Strike, who are calling for action against climate change.
In case you missed it, this week the Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada, Justin Trudeau, announced that:
A re-elected Liberal government will take action to protect the environment and grow the economy. Since 2015, the Liberal government has:
Put a price on pollution, to fight climate change and put money back in the pockets of Canadians families
Launched the Oceans Protection Plan - which is the single-largest investment in Canadian history to protect our oceans (at $1.5 billion)
Moved forward to ban single-use plastics by 2021
A re-elected Liberal government will protect more of Canada’s lands and waters, and to help more people enjoy them. Over the past four years, the Liberal government had made the largest investment in nature conservation in Canadian history, including:
Conserving land areas equal to about 3.5 times the size of Nova Scotia
Boosting the amount of protected coastal and ocean areas from 1 per cent to 14 per cent
Thanks for your continued support, and reading!
Interested in getting involved or showing your support? Follow the links to volunteer, donate or get a lawn sign.