Campaign Update: September 20

It has been a busy week as the official campaign to re-elect Jonathan Wilkinson ramped up. Here’s what has happened locally and nationally.

Jonathan’s campaign news

This week, Jonathan:

  • Met with locals near Edgemont Village to hear the views of North Vancouverites.

  • Got social with locals at the ‘pints and politics’ gathering at Hearthstone Brewery. Thanks to all those who came out and make it a successful evening!

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In case you missed it, this week the Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada, Justin Trudeau, announced that:

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  • A re-elected Liberal government will put more money in parents’ pockets to help them in the first year of their children’s lives. This follows a successful four year track record of giving more money to nine out of ten families and helping lift 300,000 children from poverty.

  • A re-elected Liberal government will help older Canadians save more money. Since 2015, the Liberal government has put thousands of dollars back in the pockets of Canadians as they become seniors, by restoring the eligibility age for OAS and GIS benefits to 65 from 67, and making the most significant enhancement to the CPP since its creation.

  • A re-elected Liberal government will ban assault weapons and strengthen gun control in Canada. This will build on the important measures we passed in Bill C-71, and continue to take serious, common-sense action to crack down on gun crime.

Thanks for your continued support, and reading!

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